Building a historical based, but imaginary 18th-century European nation-state and a wargaming miniatures army for it, for the purpose of playing battle games and a campaign of related battles.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Map of Lagerburg
The Ducal cartographers have just completed the first official survey of the Duchy. Here then are the results, the official Map of Lagerburg:
Prince, I Googled up several maps, selecting one that was easy to edit with MS Paint. I would re-color the appropriate areas, changing the boundaries to suit. The procedure is actually not very difficult... Regards, Allen
Yes, excellent. I need to think about mapping Saxe-Bearstein and Stagonia (essentially Bohemia and Bavaria).
-- Jeff
wow nice map how did you do that?
I Googled up several maps, selecting one that was easy to edit with MS Paint. I would re-color the appropriate areas, changing the boundaries to suit. The procedure is actually not very difficult...
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